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Note:  Some features are inhibited on DEMO (unlicensed) installations of the program.  Features listed below with an asterisk (*) following the name may have some or all of that feature inhibited.


True WYSIWYG editing - (What You See Is What You Get) You view, and fill out, the actual application form onscreen.

Multiple Document Interface - Load multiple application documents simultaneously, just like your word processor, to copy and paste between them.

Preferences - Contains many customizable options which can be set (permanently or temporarily) to your preference.

Tool bar with Tool Tips - Can be used or hidden, your choice.

Recently Used File List - Just like your word processor, lets you choose a document to load from a list of the four previous documents you loaded.

Head Start File - Automatically tracks and saves the data which will be duplicated on all of your applications.  At your option, this common data will be recalled and placed in each new supplement which you start.

Comprehensive Help System - Includes comprehensive, context sensitive Help for program features and for SAR application instructions.  The complete NSSAR Application Preparation Guide document is available within the Help system, and context sensitive NSSAR instructions are available for every data field.

Data Locking - Your data can be "locked" once your application is completed to prevent accidental changes while viewing.

Standard Windows Editing capabilities - Includes Cut, Copy, Paste, and availability of Undo for each individual text field during continuous file sessions.

Block Copy/Paste - Block operations can be used to Cut, Copy, or Block Paste any number of entire generation blocks together with their respective Reference fields.  These actions can be performed within the same or between different documents.

Search and Replace - That misspelled city or surname can now be quickly located and all occurrences changed automatically.

Auto Capitalization - Many single line text fields will Auto Capitalize all words (if Preference item is selected Yes).

Auto Date Formatting - All date fields will automatically reformat any recognizable date entered to NSSAR standards and will reformat date modifiers to GEDCOM standards for proper conversion of data to the Patriot Index.

Date Flipper - If you entered a date in the wrong sequence (dd/mm vs mm/dd) the Date Flipper will automatically "flip" the date to the correct one.

Multi Line Fields - Can contain hard returns and tabs for basic text formatting.

Variable Size Lineage Reference Fields - automatically adjust in size to accommodate your reference information.

Documentation Fields Text Formatting - The capability of using italics and underlining is available in all reference fields so you can use traditional text formatting for your sources.

Tracking Dates/Notes - A separate area lets you keep track of important dates and deadlines which concern your application.  A notes area lets you enter any kind of notes you want to keep for recall concerning your application.

Application Audit - Automatically checks your application for common errors, errors of omission, errors of logic in dates, and others.

Internet Capabilities* - Automatic navigating to the Cox SoftWare web site, automatic generation of Help/Bug Report email, and automatic generation of email with data file attachments.

Instant Status Check* - Clicking a Toolbar button will perform an instant, online status check of the current application.

Report Window - Any number of selected applications can be reviewed in a Report window, which will show all progress and status dates for all selected reports.  You can optionally go online for a status check of all selected applications in the Report.

Import Capabilities* - Data files from all approved NSSAR application form software sources can be imported and converted.  There are some licensing limits on this feature.

In-House Conversions* - Will automatically create new Universal applications based on a child (son) selected from an existing application (forms prior to the 2017 form) and will create a "child" form without child information for the 2017 form, since that form does not contain child information on the applicant.

Automated Upgrade Wizard* - Checks for the availability of newer versions; if available, a check will be made to see if your license is recent enough to activate it; if so, you will be prompted as to whether you want to download/install the upgrade; if affirmative, the upgrade will be automatically downloaded and the setup routine will be automatically started.

Automated Repair Wizard* - If troubleshooting indicates that your main program file may have been corrupted, this feature will automatically replace the program files with fresh ones (the latest version) downloaded from the Cox SoftWare web site (needs a current Upgrade license to work).

Automated License Wizard - After purchase of your license (or a license update) SARApAid accepts a License Code provided by Cox SoftWare via email.  This code unlocks the process which will automatically download and install your license/license update.

Free Upgrades for 2 Years - The license file provided with the commercial version allows unlimited free (via Internet) upgrades for all SARApAid versions with release dates within two years of your licensing date.